Innovative Solutions Rooftop Solar Solar Energy solar panels for house

Improve Home Aesthetics using Solar Panels at Home

10 min read | By admin

Having solar panels in the house says a lot about the lifestyle of the residents. It indicates that they are not only conscious of the environment but also about their wallets. Solar panels are now one of the most aesthetical and environmentally friendly solutions for every sustainable home.  At the same time, the current climate crisis has made us realized the importance of renewable sources of energy. Solar technology has proven to be the best option both in terms of economic & commercial viability. Solar energy is an environmentally viable option, it uses naturally occurring renewable resources like sunlight, unlike conventional energy-generating resources that use coal. They are entirely self-dependent devices. It is also pocket-friendly for a household to generate solar energy and if the generation exceeds consumption, you can give back to the electrical grid (in case of a net-metered connection) and earn credits, which can be used/ redeemed in subsequent months.  Unfortunately, many people find solar panels bulky and less appealing for a house. But with the advent of technology, this is changing. The innovations in designs have brought up a range of aesthetically beautiful solar panels. This has increased the demand for these aesthetic solar plants

Here are some of the ways with which you can aesthetically improve your open spaces of your home using solar panels: – 

1. Unused roofs/ Flat roofs

Roofs play an important role in Indian households, but many times they are often left unused and unoccupied. With a growing space crunch in the city life, there is a need to utilize every part of our homes into usable spaces. Why only dry clothes on roofs when you can install solar panels and instead generate green electricity to power your home.  Terra is a conventional Homescape standard rooftop solar power system that is about 3 feet high. It can be installed over roof objects like water tanks, AC vents, etc. This way rooftop solar panels at home can make your unutilized roof space into a space of worth which is also powering your home.

For people who want more than solar, if they want to transform their open spaces into terrace gardens, sit-outs, etc.  they can go for Atrium – The Flagship Solar pergola.  Atrium is a pergola styled solar plant by HomeScape. This elegantly designed solar power system can run the entire home on green energy. With a beautiful wooden finish exterior, steel-reinforced for strength and durability, this solar pergola acts as a perfect solution for people looking to beautify their homes with solar. The structure made to last for 25 years, can also withstand harsh weather conditions.   

2. Parking Spaces/ Canopies

We often spend a hefty amount on covered parking areas or benched areas and driveways. These dormant spaces can be turned into monetizing units by adopting Aerial by HomeScape. It is an elevated canopy style rooftop solar power system that is about 9 feet high. It is a powder-coated and corrosion-resistant structure that gives it a long life. This makes our dormant spaces usable throughout the day.

3. Porches/ Outdoor seating/ Backyards

These spaces are linked to the indoor spaces nearby. In summers, these spaces can be used as active spaces to hang out throughout the day. But in areas where the sun is harsh, using them throughout is not a feasible option. In such scenarios, one opts for a Gazebo or some form of an enclosure.   These enclosures are dormant elements that add only aesthetics to your outdoors. On the contrary, the Atrium by Homescape can be an ideal option to make these enclosures both aesthetical and functional in a sustainable manner. 

You can set up space as

Dining areas –  

  • For a dining space design, a sleek table along with required chairs or stools can solve the seating requirements. Care should be taken that these furniture elements are weather and termite-proof like the Atrium Solar pergola by Homescape, as they would be semi-exposed.  
  • For making the space more usable during barbeques and family dinners, a deck with a separate zone for a barbeque or cooking purpose can give the space an appealing look. 
  • Adequate storage elements like low raised cupboards for storing kitchenware and cleaning products give more usability. 
  • For making the space more aesthetic, landscaping and, gardening can be done. The column reinforcements of the Atrium are distanced such that they give a floaty look to the design and make it aesthetically feasible to plants hanging pots and climbers all over it. This makes your home aesthetic as well as sustainable. 
  • For lighting purposes, pendant lights are an ideal option to illuminate the space during evenings. For the dining table, a chandelier can also be installed to give a proper hierarchy to the ceiling. Stairs or levels can be lined with LED strip lights to add a dynamic touch.

Recreational zone/ Leisure space –  

Many houses use their porches or outdoor areas for recreational purposes. The purpose could be for exercising or rejuvenation. 

  • For the recreational zone with a Solar Pergola, space can be designed as per the activity. Rooftop solar panels at home act as a hybrid of indoor+outdoor spaces.
  • For exercise, space can be kept with minimal furnishing and more green factors like plants. Plants on the ground & hanging pots on the pergola can give a calm feel to the space. 
  • For reading and rejuvenation, space can have more furnishings and seating spaces. Furniture needs to be such that it is comfortable to sit or lie down and read. For rejuvenation, sculptures and artworks can be an active part of the space decor.
  • Lighting plays an important role in recreational spaces, for reading spaces, downlights, and pendant lights can be used. For rejuvenation, mild shades of downlights can add a sense of calm and visibility.

Solar designs have now reached a new era where there is a balance between aesthetics and functionality. The customization of Solar energy through HomeScape has given us more options to explore and make our homes into beautiful eco-homes.

Innovative Solutions Rooftop Solar Solar Calculator Solar Energy solar panels for house

10 steps to installing solar on your rooftop

10 min read | By admin

If you have been wondering about installing solar panels, then there’s no better time than now to do so. The price of solar panels, and hence solar PV systems has significantly decreased. Getting solar panels for house nowadays is a lot economical and convenient than before. 

How can you install a solar plant on your rooftop?

Here are ten simple steps for the installation of a solar photovoltaic system on your rooftop: 

1) Evaluate your options 

There are a few points to remember and take account of before installing solar panels on homes. 

  • Do you have space for installing solar panels on your rooftop? How much is it? 
  • Will the sun shine bright on your space during hours of daylight? 
  • Is your roof structurally strong enough to support solar panels and their structure weight?  
  • How much of the area is covered by shade? 
  • What type of solar panel for the house you would like to install (monocrystalline, polycrystalline, thin-film, bifacial, PERC)? 

2) Load calculation and energy audit 

How much energy does your home consume? 

Now that you’ve weighed your choices, the next move is to determine how much electricity you would require after installing a solar plant at your home. Calculate the following with the help of our simple DIY calculation guide

  1. Solar System Capacity 
  2. Area requirement for Your Solar System 
  3. Payback Period for Your Solar System

Estimate how much electricity the solar panel for house needs to generate with the help of an energy audit. Energy audits, in general, helps you to: 

  • Reduce your monthly energy bill by doing away with excessive use 
  • Decide how much solar energy you require 
  • Meet a crucial condition for some tax credits, rebates, and loans

3) Grid-Connected vs Off-Grid vs Hybrid 

A grid-connected system is a type of installation where solar panels are linked to the electrical grid. Solar energy thus produced is used. If your solar plant does not produce enough electricity to satisfy the consumption requirements, the difference will be automatically sourced from the grid.  An off-grid system is not linked to the power grid. Hence, battery storage is necessary. A hybrid system integrates solar and battery storage in one, and are now accessible in various setups and forms. 

4) Estimate your budget 

After calculating and determining what kind of solution suits your optimal rooftop solar design specifications, you can quickly estimate how much the process of installing a solar panel at the house would cost you with the help of solar calculators available on the MNRE website. Make sure to consider maintenance costs, warranty, and the lifetime of the system. 

5) Choose your solar developer 

Once you have your budget fixed, it is time to identify a trustworthy solar company. We would advise you to do your research for the solar company you want to get a solar plant from because it is a product for a lifetime, and you would not want to run everywhere in case of a breakdown. Do check product warranties. HomeScape by Amplus is a trusted brand from the house of the PETRONAS group brought to you by a creative group of solar designers and experts. HomeScape provides you 25 years performance warranty* along with the product insurance to protect you from any anomaly in the plant in the future.

6) Site Survey 

The site survey is required for a solar developer to evaluate: 

  • Best photovoltaic location 
  • Obstacles (if any shading)  
  • Size of the central electrical panel inside the household 
  • Places suitable for installation of the electrical elements 
  • State of the Rooftop (structurally sound or not) 
  • Square footage suitable for positioning module

To assess your home, the executives from a solar company will take a note of the following points: 

  • Overall roof size 
  • Slope angle  
  • Chimney and vents 
  • Compass orientation of the rooftop slope 
  • Roof thickness 
  • Strong trees or other blockages in or around the residential property

7) Receive your proposal  

After finishing your site survey and measuring the average kilowatt-hour consumption of the building, you will receive a proposal from your solar company. Evaluate and pick a solar plant that suits your requirements, both technically and economically.

8) Documentation and permits 

Like every significant financial move, there is a lot of documentation involved with rooftop solar panels for the house. For on-grid networks, permits are needed, when you would like to opt for net metering or gross metering. Typically, permits differ from state to state and depend on the form and scale of construction of solar panels. HomeScape takes care of all the documentation processes making it hassle-free for customers. Regardless, it is still a smart thing to know and understand what is happening with your solar power plant.

9) Installation 

Solar Panels: The solar developer will begin by preparing the rooftop. It would make sure that the panels are fixed correctly. Electrical Wiring: The solar company then installs electrical wiring, which would connect to your electrical panel and main power system.

1 kW solar system

10) Warranty and maintenance 

Generally, solar plant for houses come with a twenty-five years warranty. The company would offer ten years for 90 percent and the following fifteen years for 80 percent performance. The inverters usually come with a five-year warranty which can be extended by AMC, if required.

our solar plant does not require that much upkeep but taking care of a few aspects is necessary. Cleaning the photovoltaic panels is crucial for an efficient generation. Periodic cleaning of the modules (once in fifteen days) with wet cloth or wiper stick is sufficient for the best performance of the system. In conclusion, when you are familiar with the steps of installing a solar photovoltaic system, the whole process becomes much easier. The installation of the solar panels for houses is not very difficult, nor is it incredibly costly.

Rooftop Solar Solar Energy

Why would you want to make your home a Solar Home

10 min read | By admin

Our decisions and actions as humans have completely changed the demography of the environment today. Most activities have brought about direct implications at an unprecedented rate in the depletion of natural resources. The earth has become 1.62 degrees hotter since the 19th century, all as a direct result of greenhouse gases leading to global warming.

With hotter temperatures, melting glaciers and rising sea levels concerning us all, more and more people are finally switching to an eco-friendlier way of living by choosing effective and sustainable options for themselves and the environment.

Combating climate change has made its way through to our consciousness. Awareness is spreading at a more grassroots level, and what better way than to start with our own homes. While saving water, reducing waste or managing it effectively is important, it is highly essential to switch to a lifestyle that consumes lesser energy and is more friendly to the environment.

Solar-powered homes bring about a good change when it comes to fighting the climate crisis. To begin with, installing solar panels in home is not only affordable as an alternate source of energy but are also powerful tools while looking for sustainable options.

How does solar energy for homes work?

As sunlight falls onto a solar panel, it is absorbed by the photovoltaic cells on the panel. The cells comprise of silicon semiconductors that convert solar energy into electric energy. The generated electric energy is in the form of DC, which charges the solar power battery, which also acts as a storage box to store electricity when there’s no sunlight. The generated DC is then converted into AC using an inverter, which is then directly supplied into the mains of a house.

Benefits of solar energy

Environmentally viable

A solar-powered device uses a natural and renewable energy resource, that is the sun, unlike other regular electricity-powered devices running on fossil fuels. Burning of fossil fuels depletes non-renewable energy sources, adds to air pollution and can also turn out to be quite expensive.

Even if you’re using hydroelectricity to generate power, water is present in the ecosystem in a scalable amount; exploiting or overuse of water can lead to scarcity of water overall. Solar homes fit the bill perfectly in this context by not being harmful to the environment and also not exploiting the earth’s already diminishing resources.

Reduces expenses and convenient

Solar power plants works best during the summer months when the sun is at its peak. Also, summer months indefinitely use more electricity to power air coolers or air conditioners. Think solar-powered air conditioners- an option that not only lets you save on the massive figured electricity bill but also does not get affected by power cuts that are so frequent in India during the summer months.

Though currently, solar powered energy accounts for only 1 per cent of electricity generation. However, according to NASA, almost 27 per cent energy will be generated using Solar power by 2030.

Has a positive social impact

Switching to solar power in your house can be quite innovative in a society where people are not fully aware of the adverse effects of climate change or the rapid depletion of natural resources. Not only can you create awareness but also “be the next big thing” among your family and peers by setting an example for others to follow.

Importance of solar homes in India

A staggering 240 million population of the country still lives without 24/7 supply of electricity; power consumption, however, is only on the rise regardless. Choosing green energy and alternate options to power villages, towns or cities is now the way to go for millions of people in India.

The climate of this country makes solar energy a very viable option; India has almost 300 days of sunlight which makes it appropriate for direct sunlight to be converted into consumable forms of energy. Solar energy seems to be the ideal way forward to bring in growth and sustainability at the same forefront, thus, making India one of the trendsetters in this innovative field.

Solar power system is ideally suited for private homes. While converting houses into solar-powered homes, various factors that must be kept in mind, which includes the geographical terrain of the area, the region of your house, the location and direction where solar panels can be fit, the panel efficiency, and so on.

Power generation from 1KW solar system

A 1KW solar panel can produce around 3-4.5 KWh of electricity in a day, which of course depends on the number of hours of sunlight, the season or other relevant weather conditions. This number varies depending on what time of the year it is, however on an average the number can go up to 1100-1600 KWh of electricity in an entire year.

Area required for 1KW solar system

1KW solar panel requires about 80 to 100 sq. ft of area for installation within a non-shadow area to receive maximum exposure to the available sunlight.


Solar power not only converts but also stores energy. In the upcoming years, this will play a significant role in making renewable energy a substantial source of power while also reducing the costs. The future holds not only solar-powered homes but also vehicles that depend on renewable forms of energy. The changing infrastructure of how we use energy and what defines as a smart, environmentally friendly choice will lead to a growth in the same. As the world hopes to become more sustainable to save this planet, support of the governments is the boost needed. Letting developers and innovators in this section find visibility to share their ideas is essential. At the same time, government-led projects must have a transparent process in place with a definite pipeline which encourages people to adopt solar energy even further.

Rooftop Solar Solar Subsidies

Solar Subsidies in India: Residential Segment

9 min read | By admin

In our current battle with climate change, the most sought-after combat weapon we have is to switch to a clean, renewable and inexhaustible form of energy. India is a country that has ample potential in terms of solar energy, which just about fits the bill when we talk of an alternative source of energy. However, the only challenge that remains here is its efficient utilisation in a cost-effective way.

In this aspect, recent initiatives and developments by the Central Government as well as the State Nodal Agencies (SNAs) include solar subsidies to encourage the use of solar energy.

Solar schemes in India

The development of solar energy was recognised as a national mission after the National Action Plan for Climate Change of 2008. In the year 2010, the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) was announced. The aim being establishment of India as a solar leader by the year 2022 with global recognition.

The whole idea of launching a solar subsidy scheme revolved around not only switching to a renewable source of energy, but also indirectly reducing the burden on thermal power plants. Another objective was to minimise the rising electricity bills.

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) came up with a scheme that offered financial support to set up solar power plants in various states. Later in the year 2015, the Government of India introduced Ujjwal Discom Assurance Yojna (UDAY). This would provide financial assistance in the power sector and work towards the development of renewable sources of energy. But most importantly, it will improve the energy efficiency and overall power conservation.

The next initiative was a major step towards the same with the Solar Energy Corporation of India. It consisted of implementing a large-scale rooftop scheme in 16 cities- big and small, across India. The National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF), offered a subsidised rate of 30% on the installation costs for states across the country. An exception was made for the states of Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Lakshadweep which fell under a selected category in the rooftop solar scheme, and could avail a subsidy of 70% of the benchmarked installation cost.

The main objective of this government initiative was to offer a solar subsidy scheme so that both individuals as well as the organisations are benefited from the solar energy systems at a reduced capital cost.

Solar panels for home

There are numerous benefits of installing solar panels on roof. To begin with, they are extremely suitable for the Indian climate and geography. The fact that the panel installation doesn’t demand extra space and has a service life of over 20 years is a huge attraction and a win-win!

The average cost of installation of a Rooftop PV system is Rs 60,000-70,000. In order to promote solar energy, the government pays 30% of the installation costs and also offers tax credits. So, customers only have to pay around Rs 42,000- 49,000 for the installation. A total of 40% subsidy can be claimed when the benchmark cost is higher than the cost of the unit.

In fact, the tariff rate for rooftop solar panels is 17% cheaper when compared to industrial or commercial tariffs.

Homeowners opting for rooftop PV systems are granted with Priority Sector Loans of up to 10 lakhs by national banks across the country. 60% of the entire cost of installation is eligible for a bank loan, while the remaining 40% is subsidised. This loan can be repaid over the next 5 years according to the interest rates set by the RBI.

The government offers more benefits for customers who install solar panels for home; they are eligible for incentives of Rs.2 per unit (generation-based) of electricity generated. Which means, a customer can earn up to Rs. 2,000-3,000 per annum.

Moreover, people can also opt to sell excess electricity according to the norms set by the government.

Apart from the solar subsidy, the choice of going solar is any day advantageous and a far more secure investment when compared against the fluctuating electricity prices. In the era of going eco-friendly, it is more of a responsibility than a mere choice to opt for an alternative source of energy that is also cost-efficient in the long run.

Indian Perception – before and after the introduction of subsidies

Solar panels for homes come with high installation costs at an initial level. This often leads to a strong hesitation amongst Indians towards installing them. However, it is a known fact that the maintenance costs are much lower, and can actually yield a high return on investment.

There is a steady shift after the introduction of government on solar systems. The shift is visible in industrial, commercial, as well as residential household sectors.

The awareness, has increased tenfold. The benefits of switching to solar energy along with tax credits, financial subsidies, loan options and other generation-based incentives are now laid out publicly by the government in all their solar subsidy schemes to promote and motivate people to make the switch.

As a result of the government’s efforts in driving the country towards a global leader in the solar energy sector. People are finally seeing the brighter side of solar energy. Solar energy is now a new dimension. It is a profitable investment rather than a cost that is incurred during installation. People are willing more than ever to step forward and be more responsible towards the environment.

Rooftop Solar Solar Energy

How to Improve Unsteady Target Growth of the Rooftop Solar System in India?

6 min read | By admin

India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. The country has a huge potential and the opportunities are ever-expanding. Being a populous country, the electricity consumption is ever increasing, but electricity has been one of the major hurdles for the country’s progress. The government and some private companies of solar energy are taking the initiative to produce electricity within the Indian territory. Being India the world’s third-largest electrical producer, the country is still struggling to provide electricity to every part of the country.

If we talk about the production of electricity in term of percentage, 65% of the electricity consumed in India is generated by thermal power plants, 22% hydroelectric power plants, 3% by nuclear power plants and remaining 10% from other alternative sources like solar, wind, biomass, etc.

The production of electricity with solar is less than 10%. Solar has a huge potential and can be used to produce energy equivalent to thermal and hydro. The world is changing and maybe it’s time to look at things from a different perspective. The country has huge potential but only if they make use of all the resources.

Rooftop Solar Trend in India

The solar trend of the west is slowly entering the Indian market. The government and the people of the country have finally started realizing the potential of solar power. The government of India has set a target of 175 GW of installed renewable energy by 2022 of which solar alone is expected to be the single largest component at 100 GW.

There are multiple things to improve and a lot of work to be done in different areas of energy production and energy consumption. To improve the unsteady target growth of the rooftop solar power system in India, people should be educated about solar.

Educate people about Solar Power

Educating people about solar is highly essential. They must be aware about the industry and the government support to the industry. A number of myths that have settled in the minds of the consumers have to be removed, the importance of a greener future to be explained and the number and amount of subsidies available to them to be told, only then will they be willing to go for solar.


It is important to inform people about the following benefits of solar.

  1. A cost-saving secure investment with low maintenance cost.
  2. You get government support for the installation of solar power systems.
  3. It increases access to energy.
  4. You are making the world a better place by using renewable energy and reducing carbon footprints.
  5. Solar is suitable for the Indian climate.

Educating people will allow them to know more about the benefits, as well as the various procedures, enabling them in the process of mounting a solar panel.

Government Support

With India signing the Paris Agreement and pledging to reduce global climate change, the need for Solar has increased. The Solar industry has now started receiving ample of support from the government, in the form of subsidies and policies. Self-sufficiency in energy is the need of the hour and steps to achieve the same are being taken.

A higher push gradually, will further help the industry to flourish.


A renewable source of power supply, Solar, has great potential in a country like India. If used and implemented properly solar can the best power generating medium. With the correct government support and awareness, solar has a long way to go.

Rooftop Solar Solar Energy

Why I chose HomeScape to get Solar Rooftop for my home

6 min read | By HomeScape Team

In the last couple of years, India has seen tremendous growth in solar rooftop installations across the residential and commercial segment. Although most of it can be attributed to the commercial and industrial segment, residential is also gaining the attention of the homeowners across India and they are more and more opting for residential solar systems. More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of clean electricity generated by solar panels. Earlier during summers, power cuts used to bring the cities to a meltdown. But now, with expansion in the grid electricity network and installation of a rooftop solar system, power cuts got reduced by 30% in major cities. But, still India is a power deficit country, and we can’t rely on just grid-connected power to light our homes.

The question is, how as a homeowner, you can reap the benefits of a solar rooftop system. We talked to a few of the HomeScape customers and got a firsthand review of a HomeScape residential solar rooftop and how it changed their lives. By now, you must already be knowing about the advantages of solar power, now we are here to give you a sneak peek into our customers’ homes who are not only saving on their electricity bills but also getting additional benefits from HomeScape solar that none of the other solar rooftop players offer. Here are the top 3 additional benefits of installing HomeScape solar rooftop system that you don’t get from any other residential solar systems:

Beautify your homes along with savings in electricity bills

Atrium, the flagship HomeScape Solar is an elevated rooftop solar plant with Wood-Clad Pergola structure. Every atrium is custom-designed to enhance the beauty of your terraces. The premium looking wooden finish gives it an elegant look that makes it visually appealing even from a distance. That’s not it, if you are installing a ‘Grid Connected Solar System’ without a battery, you can observe up to 90% savings on your electricity bills. The electricity produced during the day is consumed for your daily usage and excess load is transferred to the grid. Hence, most of the daily electricity requirements are met by clean solar energy.

beautiful homescape solar rooftops

Enjoy high ROI and quality time spent with family

Typical risk-free investments in India (Fixed Deposits etc.) return around 8%-9% per year. A 10kW standard rooftop home solar system (Terra) returns up to 30% per year on the investment while Atrium returns up to 18%. With a life of 25+ years, a solar plant gives better returns than any risk-free investment available with us. Combine this with the possibility of spending quality time with family and friends. HomeScape Atrium gives you a lounge-like ambiance within the comfort of your homes and you can spend hours chilling under our aesthetically designed HomeScape pergolas.

HomeScape Powers your Dreams

Elevated Solar Rooftops insulates your roof from direct heat & give you an added seating space

Our elevated home solar systems provide better shade during the day, which reduces the heating of RCC roofs during the sunny days. The rooms tend to remain cooler which ultimately, leads to less electricity consumption. Also, the pergola gives an added seating space on your roof which you can utilize for gardening, kids project and recreation area.

Installing solar panels on roof
In nutshell, HomeScape Solar rooftops are not only power producers but also adds to the overall quality of our customer’s lives, thus making their lives richer and better. If you are looking for a rooftop solar plant that not only gives you savings to power your dreams but also other benefits as mentioned above, you know where to go!  Get HomeScaped!



Rooftop Solar Solar Energy

DIY Calculation Guide for 1 kW Solar System

7 min read | By HomeScape Team

The size of a residential solar system is defined by its peak power. e.g. a 1 kW solar system can produce 1 kW of power per hour on sunny days. kWh stands for kilowatt-hour1 unit of electricity implies 1 kW generated/ utilized in an hour. You need to install at least 3-4 solar panels based on watt peak in an array for the 1 kW solar system. 10kW solar systems are a great investment for homes with high levels of electricity consumption or businesses with relatively small electricity needs. You can calculate your plant size, area requirement and payback period by our DIY guide.

Calculate Solar System Capacity

The first thing to do is to find out how many units of electricity you are consuming on an average monthly. If you’re using 1400 kWh per month, let’s consider an average of 6 hours of sunlight per day, this implies you would need 1400 / 6×30 = 7.7 kW at least every hour, i.e. ~ an 8-10 kW system. If you have an idea of the available area on your rooftop, you can also check out our Solar Calculator. Let’s understand this by an example. A “10 kW solar system” means an array of solar panels that produce 10 kW for every hour of direct sunlight. So, a 10 kW system, in a location with 4 hours of direct sunlight, makes 40 kWh per day. Assuming 300 sunny days in a year, a 10kw system will generate 14,000 kWh annually which is equivalent to planting 450+ Teak trees and total savings of Rs 45 Lakhs over the lifetime.

Calculate Area requirement for Your Solar System

Parameters which determine the size of the Plant are as follows:

  • Monthly Average Bill Peak load in summers & throughout the year
  • Sanctioned Load
  • Rooftop area or shade-free area

All these points are needed to be analyzed properly as the policies and guidelines of Govt vary state by state e.g. Policies for availing subsidy and Net Metering is different for different states. In Delhi, you can install a system equal to that of the sanctioned load. If you have a sanctioned load of 10 kW, you can install a system up to 10 kW. Similarly, in some states, the maximum capacity of the solar plant allowed is 90 % of the sanctioned load. For estimation purpose, 70% of rooftop area can be used for the panel’s installation. Certain solar panels in the market can use as high as 90% of rooftop area but have a much higher cost. As a thumb rule, you require 10 sq meter area for a 1 kW solar system capacity.  Shading is another important factor which decides the positioning and size of the plant. The system should be facing south with a certain degree on the panels. For more details, you may refer to this video. You should look for a maximum area without shade for your solar system to work efficiently.

Calculate Payback Period for Your Solar System

Solar Energy is a renewable source of energy that is revolutionizing the way we generate power. Not just that it is a clean source of energy, but it’s a great investment that adds value to your property with a shelf life of 25 years and it is aesthetically beautiful. The total no. of years (time) by which the initial amount of money invested for the system will be recovered from the savings made is known as the payback period of a solar system. Let’s take an example – If you have invested Rs 5 Lakhs for a solar system that gives you savings of Rs 1 Lakh annually, this implies, in 5 years’ time, the profits have paid back your original investment. You can check exact savings in INR from the solar calculator, as explained before. Solar panel price in general ranges between Rs12,000 –  Rs18,000 based on the type of solar panel and capacity in watts. The solar systems come with a warranty of 25 years. So, while calculating the ROI, the remaining 20 years gives you a profit of 18 – 20 Lakhs considering its shrinkage in performance annually. If we consider the Inflation of 5% in grid tariff annually, (Cost per unit going up to let’s say 5%) we make lifetime savings around Rs 45 Lakhs.

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