Innovative Solutions Residential solar

How Solar Panels add to the valuation of Homes?

9 min read | By admin

There aren’t many big home transformations as much like a rooftop solar PV system that adds substantial value from day one and delivers the best ROI for many years to come. Since solar is still relatively new in the market, not many homeowners know how it can add to the valuation of their homes. 

Depending on several factors like the type of solar, location of your house and more, your solar investment will yield attractive returns in the long run. 

Let’s see how and by how much value a residential solar system adds to your house.

Types of Residential Solar Systems

When you’ve made a decision to buy a rooftop solar system, you can pick either an on-grid (also known as a grid-connected) solar system or an off-grid solar power system (solar with battery storage). Your choice will define your access to solar electricity, the equipment needed to store solar energy, the electricity billing and metering process, and what happens if the power grid fails.

With a home solar system not connected to the local utility grid, you depend only on sunlight for your energy needs. The system will also have a series of batteries to store solar power generated, so that it can be used overnight or on cloudy days when you don’t get enough sunlight for optimum generation. 

On the other hand, with a home solar system tied to the grid, you have the back up of the utility company. The grid acts as a huge battery bank for end consumer. You can even sell the surplus solar energy back to the grid as per the net metering guidelines of the state and can always get lack of electricity from the grid in case your generation lags behind your consumption. 

Location of the House

Before wondering about solar rooftop prices, it is important to know if your home is in a good geographical location for installing solar panels, especially if you live in densely populated regions of India. One pre-requisite for installing a solar system on your rooftop, is that the solar panels must get direct sunlight to produce ample electricity for your domestic needs. 

You can ask any solar installation company in Delhi or anywhere in India to inspect your property’s orientation with respect to sun, roof angle, and any shading due to trees or neighboring houses to determine if your roof receives enough direct sunshine.

The solar installation companies determine all these things after a site visit to your premises, and share the proposal with an estimate of required solar capacity system and projected solar generation based on annual irradiation. The right installation will ensure that your solar panels can generate maximum electricity, thus giving you maximum savings in the electricity bill.

Among the numerous advantages of installing a solar energy system, solar for home is also a great way to offset electricity bills for the foreseeable future. With unstable conventional energy tariffs in India, a home producing its own electricity becomes more attractive to potential buyers when put up for sale. You can easily raise the valuation by the total economical benefit that solar system is going to provide you for the residents of the house for the lifetime of the solar system. 

Installing solar panels adds significantly to your home’s resale value. For each kilowatt installed, the value can increase by lakhs. However, the rate may be higher or even lower depending on your property’s geographical location and your system’s age and output.

Life of Solar Panels and Output

The average lifespan of a solar system as per the market standard is 25 to 30 years. After this period, the system’s electricity production declines below what it initially produced. The energy generation capacity is determined by the location of your home and the size and quality of your system. A 1kWp solar system, for instance, can give an average of 1400 units per year.

Since solar panels don’t have any moving parts, they are not prone to physical damage and may continue to produce energy for many decades. Premium solar panels for homes are of sturdy build and rarely get damaged by debris, strong wind, or other external factors. Internal damage can only result from inclement weather and a poor racking setup, which is also less common.

However, if you are selling your home when the solar system is nearing or has crossed its high-efficiency age, such old solar systems might not add much value to your home.

It’s true that the initial residential solar panel installation cost is still high for homeowners. However, the high (or not so high) solar rooftop prices are offset by the system’s powerful as much as 90%* in Delhi and Gurugram, and also increase your home’s value.

Want to know the price of a rooftop solar system and the optimum size for your home?

HomeScape by Amplus Solar offers end-to-end, hassle-free solar solutions. We are among the top solar installation companies in Delhi and other states of India and have solarized more than 800+ residential homes so far. The unique designs of our transparent, dual-glass solar panels add aesthetic appeal to your roof while powering your home.

Reach out to our solar experts for a home assessment today.

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7 Reasons Why Installing Solar Panels on Your Roof Is a Good Idea

9 min read | By admin

Solar panel installation is a big commitment for homeowners. While most homeowners are aware of the benefits of switching to green energy, they often find themselves worrying about the cost of solar energy, the space required for it, its maintenance and what not. 

However, they don’t realize that solar is an economic investment, and not just spending. The financial benefits you get from having a rooftop solar power plant are way higher than its cost.

Benefits that your home will get from solar panels are as follows

1. Rooftop Solar Panel Installation Increases the Value of Your Home

Rooftop solar plants for homes are typically made of silicon solar cells and premium-quality tempered glass. The durable build makes a rooftop solar plant last for at least 25 years. During this period, your system pays off through guaranteed savings on electricity bills. Also, in some cases, it becomes an additional source of income as you can earn electricity credits which can be redeemed from your electricity bills in the future thus giving you extra liquidity.

With these advantages, your home becomes a lot more attractive to potential buyers in the housing sector. As a result, you can claim a better price of your home at any given time if you have a rooftop solar plant in your premises.

2. Solar Panels bring Energy Independence

Tired of sudden power outages or paying inflated electricity bills? A rooftop solar power plant for home combined with the  battery storage can create much-needed energy independence for you. No need to wait for electricity to power your cooling or heating units as you can use your electronics and appliances anytime you want with solar power. Such type of solar system with battery storage are called off-grid solar solutions. 

3. Zero Cost of Rooftop Solar Panel Installation

It’s no secret that the upfront cost of rooftop solar in India can go up to a lakh for a 2kWp system. However, a rooftop solar power plant for homes is a zero-cost investment in the long run. This seemingly giant amount will be offset over a period of 5-7 years, while you continue to lower your electricity bill for 20 to 25 years or more.

Moreover, generous subsidy schemes are available for solar rooftop systems for homes in several states to reduce the upfront solar costs for homeowners. Also, given the high power generation capacity and efficiency of modern solar panels, you can expect your system to give you higher generation and even quicker savings.


4. Low-Cost Maintenance With Longevity

The routine upkeep of your rooftop solar PV system is very little. The design of the rooftop solar structure is such that there aren’t any moving components. Hence, routine cleaning is all you need to do to keep the structure in the best functional condition. Your solar battery may need a little more attention, as regular inspection is necessary to timely address potential preventive maintenance. 

Even though your solar panels are exposed to elements of harsh climate, the rooftop solar system is designed to be highly resilient and durable. Most home solar installers will be able to provide 25 years of performance warranty on solar panels. 

5. Reduce the Pressure of Paying High Electricity Bills

The biggest reason homeowners are switching to residential solar rooftop systems is the huge potential for cost savings. As grid-electricity is getting more expensive, solar power has become a more affordable alternative for the many reasons discussed earlier. An on-grid solar system allows you to earn an additional income or electricity credits under net metering guidelines by transferring the surplus energy generated back to your local grid.

6. Government Subsidy on Solar Panels

Since the government of India aims to increase its solar capacity to meet its solar goals, subsidy schemes or Central Financial Assistance (CFA) are being offered along with additional state subsidy in many states. For example, if you are in Punjab, you can enjoy a CFA of 40% on buying a rooftop system of up to 3kW capacity. Whereas in Delhi, you can avail of a 30% subsidy on the same capacity of the solar system.

7. Environmental Benefits

It goes without saying that transitioning to renewable sources of energy like solar is a step towards saving the environment and protecting natural habitats. Unlike conventional sources of energy, which produce toxic emissions and generate even higher carbon emissions, solar is a clean source of energy with lesser carbon emissions. 

Having a rooftop solar power plant is a major advantage, and there is no doubt about it. With traditional electricity prices going up, a self-sufficient, solar-powered home can help you cut down on your utility bills without compromising on your lifestyle. 

Let HomeScape by Amplus Solar help you make the switch to green energy with our customized, built-to-last residential solar rooftop system. Backed by a 25-years of performance warranty, our system will give you huge savings on electricity bill from day 1. 

Our end-to-end solution ensures that having a solar system on your roof is hassle-free, rewarding, and convenient as possible. Whether you want to own a solar system without losing the roof space or desire a structure that adds to the beauty of your home or rooftop garden, we have a solar system to suit every home and lifestyle.

Contact our professional solar installers for a solar consultation today.

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An Architect’s Guide to Photovoltaics

7 min read | By admin

Photovoltaics (PV) is the conversion of light into electricity using semiconducting materials that exhibit the photovoltaic effect, like a solar power plant, a series of glass panels that are usually attached on rooftops, creating sustainable, clean solar energy. The new inter-discipline of environmentally conscious architecture has been booming, in the corporate world, and on a personal scale, growing the need for aesthetically pleasing solar system options for the home. Already the architecture and photovoltaic solar inter-discipline has created interesting, beautiful, and functional systems, including:

  1. Shade Canopies

Photovoltaic solar power shade canopies are a raised extension of the solar panels that provide shade to anybody below, while also themselves receiving direct sunshine, creating powerful PV solar energy. Functionally, this has been used for creating a shaded patio, seating area, or even general rest stops. By adding greenery and elegant seating under it, the PV solar system used as a shade canopy can act as an interesting eyepiece while also being doubly functional.  

  1. Rooftop Solar Systems

The most common form that PV solar systems for homes come in, rooftop arrangements are the most convenient as they ensure direct sunlight. However, the roof’s existing architecture needs to be heavily considered – from its current available space, weight capacity, and construction health, to ensure that they can structurally take the heavy PV solar system.  

  1. Backsheets

A backsheet is the deepest colour layer of the PV solar system. While most are white, with blue coloured solar cells, black backsheets are available as well. This tints the whole structure and creates a sleeker, darker solar system that may match the aesthetic of the building or brand identity. The best part is that changing the colour of the backsheet does not affect the production of PV solar energy!  

  1. Monocrystalline or Polycrystalline cells

Changing the appearance of solar cells can have an aesthetic impact on the whole PV solar system, although certain colour changes in the monocrystalline cells do result in a lower production of solar energy. The biggest difference is that monocrystalline cells appear matte, dark, and thus give a more subdued visual while polycrystalline cells look brighter, shinier, and give off a powerful and eye-catching glint.  

  1. Building Requirements

The biggest factor that affects the architecture of a PV solar system is the functional demand of the client. If the electrical demand is smaller and caters to a solar system for the home, then the aesthetic approach will be different as well. Conversely, if the PV solar energy demand is high, the bulkiness of the solar plant will affect the design approach.   With the growing interest in photovoltaic solar, from a consumer and supplier view, new changes are being made every day to enhance the solar energy produced and to allow for greater customisation. HomeScape provides three such options to clients, two of which are shade canopies – the Atrium and the Aerial, while the Terra is the simplest design.

  • The Atrium is a pergola that mounts solar panels in a wooden structure, creating a luxurious design that is perfect for providing necessary shade under which barbecues and parties can be hosted, or simple leisurely time can be spent admiring the unobstructed view.
  • The Aerial is a canopy style solar system that uses iron to provide a sleeker and glossier look, making for a more modern aesthetic while providing the same level of functionality.
  • The Terra is a low elevated iron-mounted solar panel structure that can be placed on the edge of a rooftop, making the most of limited space and allowing for easier cleaning.

 Each of these HomeScape products makes productive use of limited space, provide high performance, and add aesthetic appeal to any area. To know more about HomeScape by Amplus Solar, click here.

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Can you run a house completely on Solar Power?

8 min read | By admin

An answer to the question, whether you can run a house completely on solar power is yes! Especially in a country like India where we receive abundant sunshine throughout the year, it is convenient and beneficial to have residential solar systems.

Going completely solar you can reap good benefits but there can also be some potential drawbacks which are inadvertently attached to it. The best part about generating electricity through solar power is that it is completely free! The initial investment involves setting up the solar system can be a bit high depending upon your requirement. Solar power is quite efficient and is also free of pollution. But you must also consider the chances of foul weather that might cause a problem to your plans.


There are two types of solar systems namely off-grid solar system and on-grid solar systems.

Off-grid solar systems:

Off-grid solar systems are the ones that work independently off the grid and have batteries which can store the solar power generated by the system. The system consists of batteries, solar panels, grid box, charge controller, mounting structures, and balance of the system. But there is always a chance of an extended bad weather condition might cause problems for your electricity supply.

On-grid solar system:

In On-grid solar system, if your system produces more power than is required, then the surplus can be fed back into the main electrical grid with the help of solar net metering and you can get credited for the same. Similarly, you can also use the traditional grid provided power during the situations when your system is not producing enough power.


While planning to run your house completely on the solar power, you need to also understand the financial and mental investment required. The infrastructure and working of a solar system are slightly complicated and hence the calculations involved should be precise. With the help of careful routing of a home’s plumbing, you can get hot water heated by the sun and since it is pumped through the house, the heat dissipated can be used to control the temperature of the house. The heat generated in this manner would also not add up to the home’s electric consumption. Although it might be a challenge to execute, in the year 2007, a successful experiment had shown how to heat and cool the house using a solar radiant heat system!


Before finalizing to go completely solar, the first point to be considered is whether your house gets enough sunlight throughout the year to produce enough electricity. If your requirement is to run an 800-watt load for your home or less than 800-watt then 1kW solar panel is perfect for you. The solar panel installation requires 100 square feet of shade free roof space and to run the load, the first priority would be given to the solar system and second priority would be the grid or batteries. 1kW solar panel price in India for home depends upon the type of solar system.

The different types of 1kW solar systems include:

1. On-Grid Solar System:

Also known as grid-tied system as it connects with the grid electricity system. The solar system with 1kW capacity produces 4-6 units per day on an average. Solar net-metering is installed which reads how much electricity you are using and the balance which can be exported to the grid. All the adjustments are made in your upcoming bills by the government.

2. Off-Grid Solar System:

Off-grid solar system or stand-alone power system is also known as a solar battery-based system. This system has a battery as a backup which helps you store the solar power which can be used during power cuts when the sunlight is not available.

3. Hybrid Solar System:

Hybrid solar system is designed to have the functions of both the off-grid solar system and on-grid solar system. Basically, a hybrid solar system has three sources to run its load – solar energy, battery storage, and grid electricity. The best part about a hybrid solar system is that it stays connected with the government electricity grid and has batteries as a backup. It is most suitable for people living in areas that witness more power cuts, due to frequent rainfalls. The approximate cost of 1kW solar panel with battery storage in India ranges anywhere between Rs.80,000 to Rs. 1,50,000, including installation. While calculating the price also check whether you are eligible for the government subsidy ranging from 10% to 40%.

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COVID-19 Safety Practices in Installation of Residential Solar Systems

7 min read | By admin

COVID-19 has changed the process of working in industrial, institutional, government, private and all other sectors. Working remotely is the “New-Normal” since the pandemic started. With the pandemic at bay, the government of India has released the lockdown in various working sectors including the energy sector. Due to increasing time spent at home, a large number of homeowners are opting for residential rooftop solar to reduce their electricity bills and to utilize their terraces to spend time. The installation process of residential solar systems is now done with complete precaution and in a hygienic manner as recommended by various health organizations.


The Initial Stage:

For installing solar panels on the roof of your home, the first step would be to conduct a complete survey of the roof. Contactless site visits are made to conduct surveys of residential solar systems. At HomeScape, digital meters are used to measure the dimensions of the rooftop instead of measuring tapes, making it a contactless site visit.

installing solar panels on the roof

The Second Stage:

In the second stage, the residential solar system is designed remotely and the products are delivered to the site of the residential solar system installation. All the products are sanitized, safely packed and sent to the location. Till this stage, there is no physical contact and interaction with customers. HomeScape uses its own dedicated truck for delivering the items and ensures high level of safety and hygiene during transportation.

delivery of equipments

Third Stage:

After the product delivery, the engineers and technicians assigned to the installation, visit the location. All employees of HomeScape are trained to maintain social distancing and hygiene.

installing solar panels on the roof


These are some guidelines that has to be followed while installing solar panels on the roof, during the installation process.

  1. The team members have to mandatorily wear N-95 masks, throughout the installation period.
  2. The members should wear gloves and commit to all the necessary protective gears for the installation.
  3. The members should carry sanitizers and sanitize their hands frequently avoiding unnecessary interaction with the customers.
  4. The equipment used in the installation process should be sanitized regularly.
  5. All the members should go through medical tests to carry out their work.
  6. Any member who is sick should not continue his /her work installing the residential solar system. They should home quarantine for at least 14 days to ensure safety of other crew members.
  7. The crew members should avoid unnecessary conversations with other crew members.
  8. The members of the team should maintain 6ft distance from each other.
  9. The members should  bring his/her own belongings (bottles, lunchbox) if needed and avoid borrowing things from other team members.
  10. The employees should follow the basic health hygiene, as advised by the W.H.O and other Federal Health Organizations.


After installing the solar panels, the residential solar system is connected to the grid .Details of generation of energy and the import and export are monitored on HomeScape Monitoring app. The documentation process regarding the liaisoning with the DISCOMS is done completely online eliminating the fear of virus through the physical documents.

homescape monitoring app
The company encourages Work-From-Home and only the necessary team members are allowed to work offline. However, there are certain situations that require human intervention while installing solar panels on the roof. Accordingly, the engineers and technicians are trained well to take precautionary measures. The customer has no chances of getting affected by the virus. The need of the hour is to follow the guidelines laid down by the government to ensure safety and protection. With all the operations resuming gradually, it is very important that we abide to the guidelines, stay in our own bubble and help in reducing the intensity of the situation.

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10 steps to installing solar on your rooftop

10 min read | By admin

If you have been wondering about installing solar panels, then there’s no better time than now to do so. The price of solar panels, and hence solar PV systems has significantly decreased. Getting solar panels for house nowadays is a lot economical and convenient than before. 

How can you install a solar plant on your rooftop?

Here are ten simple steps for the installation of a solar photovoltaic system on your rooftop: 

1) Evaluate your options 

There are a few points to remember and take account of before installing solar panels on homes. 

  • Do you have space for installing solar panels on your rooftop? How much is it? 
  • Will the sun shine bright on your space during hours of daylight? 
  • Is your roof structurally strong enough to support solar panels and their structure weight?  
  • How much of the area is covered by shade? 
  • What type of solar panel for the house you would like to install (monocrystalline, polycrystalline, thin-film, bifacial, PERC)? 

2) Load calculation and energy audit 

How much energy does your home consume? 

Now that you’ve weighed your choices, the next move is to determine how much electricity you would require after installing a solar plant at your home. Calculate the following with the help of our simple DIY calculation guide

  1. Solar System Capacity 
  2. Area requirement for Your Solar System 
  3. Payback Period for Your Solar System

Estimate how much electricity the solar panel for house needs to generate with the help of an energy audit. Energy audits, in general, helps you to: 

  • Reduce your monthly energy bill by doing away with excessive use 
  • Decide how much solar energy you require 
  • Meet a crucial condition for some tax credits, rebates, and loans

3) Grid-Connected vs Off-Grid vs Hybrid 

A grid-connected system is a type of installation where solar panels are linked to the electrical grid. Solar energy thus produced is used. If your solar plant does not produce enough electricity to satisfy the consumption requirements, the difference will be automatically sourced from the grid.  An off-grid system is not linked to the power grid. Hence, battery storage is necessary. A hybrid system integrates solar and battery storage in one, and are now accessible in various setups and forms. 

4) Estimate your budget 

After calculating and determining what kind of solution suits your optimal rooftop solar design specifications, you can quickly estimate how much the process of installing a solar panel at the house would cost you with the help of solar calculators available on the MNRE website. Make sure to consider maintenance costs, warranty, and the lifetime of the system. 

5) Choose your solar developer 

Once you have your budget fixed, it is time to identify a trustworthy solar company. We would advise you to do your research for the solar company you want to get a solar plant from because it is a product for a lifetime, and you would not want to run everywhere in case of a breakdown. Do check product warranties. HomeScape by Amplus is a trusted brand from the house of the PETRONAS group brought to you by a creative group of solar designers and experts. HomeScape provides you 25 years performance warranty* along with the product insurance to protect you from any anomaly in the plant in the future.

6) Site Survey 

The site survey is required for a solar developer to evaluate: 

  • Best photovoltaic location 
  • Obstacles (if any shading)  
  • Size of the central electrical panel inside the household 
  • Places suitable for installation of the electrical elements 
  • State of the Rooftop (structurally sound or not) 
  • Square footage suitable for positioning module

To assess your home, the executives from a solar company will take a note of the following points: 

  • Overall roof size 
  • Slope angle  
  • Chimney and vents 
  • Compass orientation of the rooftop slope 
  • Roof thickness 
  • Strong trees or other blockages in or around the residential property

7) Receive your proposal  

After finishing your site survey and measuring the average kilowatt-hour consumption of the building, you will receive a proposal from your solar company. Evaluate and pick a solar plant that suits your requirements, both technically and economically.

8) Documentation and permits 

Like every significant financial move, there is a lot of documentation involved with rooftop solar panels for the house. For on-grid networks, permits are needed, when you would like to opt for net metering or gross metering. Typically, permits differ from state to state and depend on the form and scale of construction of solar panels. HomeScape takes care of all the documentation processes making it hassle-free for customers. Regardless, it is still a smart thing to know and understand what is happening with your solar power plant.

9) Installation 

Solar Panels: The solar developer will begin by preparing the rooftop. It would make sure that the panels are fixed correctly. Electrical Wiring: The solar company then installs electrical wiring, which would connect to your electrical panel and main power system.

1 kW solar system

10) Warranty and maintenance 

Generally, solar plant for houses come with a twenty-five years warranty. The company would offer ten years for 90 percent and the following fifteen years for 80 percent performance. The inverters usually come with a five-year warranty which can be extended by AMC, if required.

our solar plant does not require that much upkeep but taking care of a few aspects is necessary. Cleaning the photovoltaic panels is crucial for an efficient generation. Periodic cleaning of the modules (once in fifteen days) with wet cloth or wiper stick is sufficient for the best performance of the system. In conclusion, when you are familiar with the steps of installing a solar photovoltaic system, the whole process becomes much easier. The installation of the solar panels for houses is not very difficult, nor is it incredibly costly.

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