Residential solar residential solar energy residential solar systems Rooftop Solar solar for home Solar Schemes

Impact Of Basic Customs Duty Hike On Residential Solar

10 min read | By Pankaj Mohanpuria

In response to a long-standing demand from India’s solar manufacturing sector, the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) will implement Basic Customs Duty (BCD) w.e.f. April 2022. This move will protect domestic solar manufacturers from the stiff price competition from imported solar modules. Imposing a high tax rate will work in favour of the domestic solar industry in the short term as the price gap between imported solar components and locally-produced solar components will be be bridged.

However, this is just one side of how this hike in basic import duty will impact India’s solar sector. The price of home solar systems is expected to rise as material costs across the supply chain become costlier. A home solar system comprises of solar panels, inverter, cables and mounting structure.

Rise in the cost of solar modules is bound to increase the price of a home solar system as module price comprises more than 50% share of the price of the whole solar system. But in order to estimate how much the price is likely to increase, read more. 

Upcoming Changes in Solar Equipment Prices

India is chasing an ambitious goal of 280 GW of installed solar energy capacity by 2030. However, the country has been heavily dependent on imports so far. This has worked against the domestic solar manufacturers as several are on the verge of shutting down. China alone accounts for 80% of the total solar imports, while the rest consists of imports from Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy recognizes the urgency to protect domestic solar component manufacturers against stiff price competition from imported ones and reduce the dominance of low-cost imports in the Indian solar markets. 

The Basic Customs Duty is a move that will help boost domestic manufacturing of solar components. As per the proposed duty structure, a basic customs duty of 40% on solar modules and 25% on solar cells will come into force on all solar imports starting April 1st, 2022. This tax imposition is expected to be a gamechanger for India’s Atmanirbhar Bharat vision. It will do away with the cost advantage that has allowed imported solar components so far to dominate Indian markets, providing Indian manufacturers a level playing field and the confidence to scale their capacity and performance.

This has come after the BCD for imported solar inverters was raised from 5% to 20% effective from February 2nd, 2021.

Impact of BCD Price Changes on Solar Industry

Long after the expiry of Safeguard Duty in July 2021, BCD is set to take effect from April 1st, 2022, though the intent of this change was already shared by MNRE in early 2021. As a result, the industry will see a slight increase in solar power tariffs being offered to Commercial & Industrial customers due to expensive solar components.

As per ICRA, the capital cost of a solar power plant project will increase by 23-24%. The official notification from MNRE also clarifies that there is no provision for exempting projects already auctioned. This is no brainer that the same price rise will happen for homeowners as well looking to purchase home solar plants for their house. 

Apart from the low cost, the higher efficiency of imported rooftop solar panels is also another major factor why some of the developers and power producers prefer imported solar panels. But this is set to change as domestic solar manufacturers are also working on efficiency and ramping up their production capacities. Also, this hike in solar plant cost is anticipated to be a short-term disruption until local manufacturing achieves economies of scale and becomes even more efficient than the imported solar modules.

To that end, BCD will create a supportive ecosystem for the domestic solar industry by providing relief against the competitive environment created by low-cost foreign imports, especially China. We should also note that import barriers can only be temporary measures. Eventually, domestic solar manufacturing will succeed only if we are able to compete in the global marketplace – in terms of price, technology, and scale.

Why Get Solar for your Home Now ?

The basic customs duty on solar components will be implemented from April 1st, 2022, meaning the current solar prices are still affordable. Hence, if you are planning to solarize your home in the near future, purchases made during this time will still come at old prices. 

Moreover, there is the added benefit of the simplified rooftop solar subsidy scheme recently introduced by MNRE. This updated subsidy scheme allows homeowners to get solar from any developer of their choice and avail subsidy through a simple online application process. The solar subsidy can further bring down the cost of rooftop solar for your home by up to 40%. 

Harness the energy of the sun to power your gadgets, air conditioning and heating systems, and your entire home with our custom residential rooftop solar systems from HomeScape by Amplus Solar. Our end-to-end home solar power solutions help reduce your energy costs by up to 90%. Designed for luxury and engineered for durability, our rooftop installations come with a 25 years warranty and the investment practically pays for itself in as less as 5 years.

Our renewable energy solutions for homes also include add-ons like high-quality battery backups and a smart solar performance monitoring system to help you keep your solar plant’s health in check. If you want to learn about current solar panel prices, partner with HomeScape – one of the leading residential solar companies in India.

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How Cost-effective is it to install solar at home the Long Run?

11 min read | By admin

A residential solar energy system is a smart investment that comes with the promise of guaranteed long-term savings. Despite the high upfront cost, the expenditure or you may call it an investment is offset in just the initial few years through sizable energy output, significant net cost savings, and a hassle-free maintenance experience. In addition to being a clean, renewable source of energy that eliminates carbon footprint, solar energy is actually getting more affordable and rewarding than you think.

Cost of Installing a Solar Panel at Home

The average cost of a residential solar panel installation varies from state to state in India. Several state governments are offering financial support and subsidy schemes to make the cost of rooftop solar installation affordable for as many homeowners as possible. Here is a sample of the subsidy structure by IPGCL  (Delhi DISCOM) for their last tender (May 2020) for residential rooftop solar systems. 

1-3 40% of BM cost Rs: 37000/ kWp
3-10 20% of BM cost Rs: 32,400/ kWp
10+  Subsidy for first 10KW only Rs: 32,400/ kWp

In earlier times, a small capacity solar PV system used to be enough to power a home. In the current times, India’s domestic energy consumption per capita is increasing and we use a lot more units of electricity today than in the past. Apart from the usual home appliances that we use, we use a lot more heating and cooling devices, smart devices, electric vehicles than before.  Hence, a 3 kWp solar system generating 12 to 15 units per day is the minimum you would need to run your home efficiently. For a bungalow with 4-5 ACs or a big farmhouse, a 5KWp system or above would be a better choice.

Maintenance of Rooftop Home Solar Panel

Routine maintenance of your solar batteries and the solar PV system will allow timely detection of potential repairs, security concerns, and signs of damage. Have your solar installer inspect the system’s wiring and electricals at least once a year. The preventive maintenance would involve inspecting fittings, electrical conduits, visible electrical hardware, and ground conductors as well. You will also need to keep your glass PV solar modules clean of any dust, debris, or bird feces that may accumulate over time. Make sure to clean your PV modules with a wet cloth once a month or every fortnight if you live in dusty areas for optimum generation. Note that the solar system should be on switch off mode when you attempt self cleaning. 

Your rooftop solar system uses a kind of mild steel rack system to be mounted. Cleaning and checking the racking for signs of damage, loose hardware, and debris accumulation should be performed once every year to prevent any uprooting of solar panels from the racking during an event of extreme weather like a storm or heavy rains.

Your solar batteries also need professional maintenance to ensure efficiency and extend their life. In addition, a little upkeep done routinely will keep your batteries in good condition. During winter, your lead-acid batteries will also need a refill of distilled water every 2 to 4 weeks. Also, monitor the battery charge, and if found flooded, apply an equalization every 90 days. 

Energy Output of Solar Panel

Power output is a key factor in selecting the right residential solar panel system. Also, when installing a solar system in your home in India, the price you pay is based on the proposed solar system capacity per kilowatts. 

Calculating the accurate electricity generated by a rooftop solar PV system can be a complex math exercise, but you can estimate it yourself for your home if you know your monthly electricity bill through various solar calculators. In the Indian scenario, for every 1 KWp of solar system,  an average of 4 kWh (units) will be generated per day, accumulating to 1,400 to 1,600 kWh in a year. This estimate may differ from the actual generation as meteorological conditions affect solar power generation capacity. Many other factors like the home’s location, the orientation of the roof, solar panel efficiency, and ambient temperature affect solar energy production, which is taken into account by the solar installers when they give you the first proposal after the technical assessment or a site visit. 

Net Savings in the Long Run

The overwhelming 6-figure cost of a residential solar panel installation keeps most homeowners on the fence. Investing in rooftop solar installation also brings attractive returns and eventually the system pays for itself with the huge cost savings in the electricity bill. With a grid-connected solar system, you will not only do away with fluctuating electricity prices but can also earn electricity unit credits via net metering by sending any excess power generated back to the grid. The DISCOM will then charge you only for the net units consumed in a particular month thus reducing your electricity bill by a great extent.  

Thanks to the little maintenance and a life expectancy of 25-30 years, you can expect a payback period of just 5-7 years on most solar PV systems available in the market. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR), expressed as the percentage of return on investment (ROI), represents the rate of returns you expect to receive on your solar panel installation cost

Suppose you make an investment in buying solar for your home. This investment would not only pay for itself but you get your electricity for free after the payback period is over. With advancements in technology, PV modules of higher efficiency are being developed which gives even more savings and generation through your residential solar panel systems.

Are you searching for the best solar plant installation company in Delhi or Gurgaon to start your solar journey? Check out HomeScape by Amplus Solar to get the most out of your residential solar panel installation cost. We are empaneled by DISCOM for solar subsidy in many states which will further reduce the upfront investment for you and increase your savings. 

Our well-designed solar system produces optimum output throughout the whole year. With us, you get an end-to-end hassle free solar solution with warranty-backed components and a safe module mounting structure with branded wiring and cables for your rooftop solar panel system.

Get your solar journey started today with a quick technical assessment and a customized solar quote from our industry experts.

Energy Efficiency Site Survey Solar Energy solar for home

Why is a Site Survey required prior to installing a Solar Rooftop System?

5 min read | By admin

Solar rooftop systems and other sources of renewable energy are on the rise. Residential rooftop solar systems have proven to be environmentally sound and efficient for domestic households, along with monetary benefits such as saving on electricity bills and government subsidies.

Solar panels are generally placed on a rooftop or in an elevated position to ensure a steady and consistent supply of sunlight. This sunlight is then converted to DC electricity and then into AC electricity by an inverter.

To ensure domestic solar systems perform at optimum capabilities, solar providers must consider a variety of factors before going ahead with the installation. A Site Survey prior to installation gives service providers all the information they require to correctly install and operate a residential solar system, tailored to every customer’s specific needs.

The three main factors assessed during a site survey are:

  • Feasibility – is the solar plant installation feasible at the location?
  • Viability – does the solar installation provide financial benefits in the long term?
  • User requirements – are user requirements correctly understood?

Site surveys ensure that you have a rooftop solar power system designed specifically for your needs as per your location, rooftop space and the electricity required to power your home. HomeScape has three unique product variants that are tailor-made to fit your space: the Atrium, the Aerial and the Terra.

During a site survey our team determines the following factors:

  1. Shading Analysis

This helps determine the correct location to install a solar plant. The orientation and mounting of the solar panels determine the amount of incident sunlight which in turn contributes to the amount of electricity generated. The solar panels need to be shade-free to get the optimum performance from the solar photovoltaic system. The area must be assessed to ensure there are no barriers that cause shading on the panels.

  1. Roof Structure Inspection

This is done to measure the size and to determine the attributes and structure of the roof. The rooftop area and size of the panels determine how many solar modules can fit in the space available. We consider the following factors:

  • Surface Area (rooftop dimensions)
  • Roof Inclination
  • Roof Direction
  • Construction Material
  1. Usage Analysis

This is the overall analysis of required instruments such as DC and AC converters and electricity usage. This helps determine the overall generation of electricity and an estimate of the units of electricity that can be saved.

  1. Financial Analysis

Government has released many incentives and financial aids for the solar panel system users. The overall cost of installing and the economic viability of the system are other important parameters that are estimated during the site survey.

Conducting a site survey is the starting point for a rooftop solar power system installation for a home in India. Your site survey results and shading evaluation in combination with the energy audit helps you make an informed decision about switching to solar.

residential solar energy Solar Subsidies

Is Residential Rooftop Solar ready to take off Post Subsidy and Falling Equipment Costs?

5 min read | By admin

Rooftop Solar in India has been seeing a steady adoption, evident from the rising capacity addition every year. According to a Bridge to India report, India’s total commissioned rooftop solar capacity stood at 6130 MW as on September 2020, predominantly driven by the Commercial and Industrial segment. The Residential segment, which is in the nascent stage stands at 804 MW, which is approximately 14% of the total of 5880 MW of Rooftop Solar as on June 2020. However, with the changes in policy and business environment, the residential segment is poised to pick up the pace and is anticipated to have a significant share in the coming years.

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in 2019 launched the Phase-2 of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Programme in which the Central Financial Assistance (CFA), or in other words subsidy, was accorded to the Residential sector. Phase-2 of the programme had revised the subsidy limits for individual residential houses to 40% for capacity up to 3 kW and 20% for capacity between 3kW to 10kW. The subsidy is based on either the benchmark cost mandated by the MNRE, or the discovered price in the tender, whichever is lower. The subsidy allows the homeowners to significantly reduce their share of the price paid for the rooftop solar system making it more affordable.

On the other hand, the equipment costs have significantly fallen over the past few years globally, which has been observed in India as well. The prices of solar panels which constitute almost 60% of project cost had fallen by almost 18% year-on-year as per Bridge to India.

18% year-on-year as per Bridge to India.   

Figure: Solar module prices (USD cents/W) Ref: Bridge to India

However, the drop in prices has been offset by safeguard duties in India against the import of solar modules to promote local manufacturing, which is also mandated as part of the Domestic Content Requirement (DCR). According to DCR, it is necessary to use indigenously manufactured solar panels to avail subsidy in solar projects. In addition to this, the shortage in supply has driven the prices higher during the second half of 2020. Despite temporary volatility in prices, the long-term reduction has helped Residential Rooftop Solar project costs to reduce significantly and help drive adoption. A major challenge that remains in adopting residential rooftop solar is the lack of awareness, which is being addressed actively by DISCOMS through community-level demand-aggregation programmes. Also, to make rooftop solar economically attractive, businesses in partnership with NBFCs offer financing options through EMIs at lower interest rates for longer tenures than traditional banks.  

Reference: Bridge to India

The percentage share of residential solar in the total rooftop solar capacity added in a year has been almost steady with it being at 11% in 2017, 10% in 2018 and 12% in 2019 and 14% up to June 2020. With the developments to promote residential segment, there is a strong sentiment for it to take off. Charukesh N R B Manager, Residential Solar

Energy Conservation Energy Efficiency

Tips for Maximising Efficiency and Reducing the Impact of Shade

6 min read | By admin

Solar panels function by transforming photons into usable electricity, acting as a solar power plant for your home. Due to its functionality being entirely dependent on the duration of direct sunlight received each day, and the angle at which it hits the solar rooftop system, shade can pose a big problem. However, there are methods to reduce the negative impact that shade may have, along with other ways to increase the efficiency of the solar energy system for your home.

  1. Correct Installation

The best way to avoid facing the brunt of shadows and reducing the inefficiency of your solar rooftop system is to ensure that during the installation process, existing shadows, as well as prospective shadows, are measured. For example, even though your current rooftop may be getting enough direct sunlight to power a solar energy system for your home, if you live next to an empty plot or a construction site that might have some kind of high-rise structure, you need to plan for it.  

  1. Getting the Right Tilt

All solar panels are tilted to get the best possible access to direct sunlight, but at times, tilting in a certain direction can increase the efficiency of your solar rooftop system while also avoiding shade. The optimum solar panel tilt can be calculated by adding 15 degrees to the latitude of your location. Suppose you live in Gurgaon, the center of which has a latitude of 28 degrees, the best tilt angle would be 28+15= 43 degrees.  

  1. Bypass Diodes

If one portion of your solar power plant is obstructed by shade, you can stop this from affecting the output of the whole system by using a bypass diode. This helps the solar energy system to bypass the single cells under the shade without disturbing the rest of the panel that is under sunshine.  

  1. Micro Inverters & Power Optimizers

A Micro Inverter is a plug-and-play device for your home solar power plant that converts direct currents to alternating currents but differs from regular inverters because of their superior performance. By boosting the overall performance of your solar rooftop system, you can make up for the energy lost because of shade obstructions.  

  1. Invest in CPV Cells

CPV stands for highly concentrated photovoltaic cells that hyperfocus the sunlight hitting the solar panel cells to boost efficiency, at times even doubling it! While they do cost more to install, if your home solar energy system is suffering because of shade, these would be a good investment.   Thus, with just a few alterations, the shade that once posed a big problem to your solar energy output is now fixable. Ultimately, if you take care in the installation and planning process of your solar rooftop system, having to upgrade for efficiency will not be necessary. HomeScape by Amplus Solar provides luxury alternatives to common shade problems in the form of rooftop pergola solutions, with great height and width to reduce the possibility of low functioning and to add glamour to rooftops and open spaces. To see a variety of HomeScape variants, click here.

residential solar energy residential solar systems Rooftop Solar Solar Energy solar for home solar panels for house

Personal Guide to install solar at home: Part 5- Rooftop Solar Panel Installation, Warranty and Maintenance

14 min read | By admin

In the previous parts of our blog series, we discussed about receiving your solar proposal, documentation and the types of permits. Here is the final part of a five-part ‘Personal Guide to Installing Solar at Home’ series. This article will be covering the installation process, as well as the warranties and maintenance.

Step 9: Installation

Once you’re done with confirming the proposal , site visits, permit work and planning, the actual rooftop solar panel installation will only take a few days of work. If you are installing an on-grid system with net metering, the process will take additional time. While the decision process for rooftop solar panel installation can take a while, the installation time frame is quick and simple. The actual day when your rooftop solar panel installation starts will be exciting.

1) Set-Up

The solar installer you chose will start by preparing your roof and ensuring the shingles or tiles are attached correctly. They will set up a temporary structure used to support the work crew and materials to help in the process. It helps to take care of safety during the whole rooftop solar panel installation process.

2) Solar Panel Mounts

Then, the installer will set up the solar panel mounting system. It will support the base of the solar modules. It’s the only piece of equipment which is attached to your roof. The entire mounting arrangement must have a tilt and have an angle between eighteen to thirty-six degrees to have most sunlight exposure.

3) Solar Panel Installation

After the installer sets up the mounts, the solar module itself has to be installed on the mounting structure. They should make sure to tighten up all the bolts and nuts so that it stays firm and steady. The panels are mounted on the racking when they are firmly connected to the racking.

solar panel installation

4) Wiring

Then, they put in electrical wiring that will connect to your electrical panel and the general power system. MC4 connectors are predominantly used as wiring for solar modules. During the wiring installation, the company must ensure that the electricity supply from the grid to home is turned off .

5) Solar Inverter

Once the electrical wiring is done, the installer should link the solar inverter to the system. The inverter(s) are connected to the modules to convert direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC) energy which is used in households and on the grid. The solar inverter may be used indoors or outdoors and is normally placed near the main system.
Inverters stored in a spot that is not too hot are often more efficient. If kept outside, the inverter should be kept out from the afternoon sun. If installed indoors, the garage or utility room is typically the most reliable location as they remain cool for most of the year with ventilation.

6) Solar Battery

If you opt for an off-grid solar system, a battery is necessary since it is used to store backup power ,which is connected with the solar inverter.

7) Grid Connection

To link the inverter to the grid, the installer will have to simply plug it in the main power switchboard, so that it receives power from the grid. The output wire should also be connected with a board that is supplying electricity at home. To determine the excess energy generated from the solar system, the installer needs to install a metering device.
The installation time will range from 1 to 3 days, subject to the size of the system you are installing. Net-metering can add time to your installation process . If your installer needs to add a power meter for net-metering, it might add a few hours to your solar installation.

8) Consumer Unit

The inverter should be linked to the consumer unit (known as the distribution or fuse board) to generate electricity. To observe the amount of electricity the solar modules generate, a generation meter should also be connected . To evaluate your solar systems’ performance, you can check on the HomeScapes’ remote monitoring app.
For instance, you can check the electricity generation data and decide the appropriate time for using your dryer or other utilities. It will also show the import and export of the power happening due to the net-meter.

Step 10: Warranty and Maintenance


The final step with significant aspect is the warranty of the solar power system. Warranties for solar panels protect your solar investment and are an integral part of any rooftop solar panel installation. There are two kinds of warranties that keep your modules covered, and knowing the differences between them is vital to make sure you get the most suitable agreement for your solar energy system.
The two types of warranties are:

  1. Product (or materials) warranty
  2. The performance warranty

A product warranty of solar modules covers the panel itself and guards you against obstacles like manufacturing defects, environmental issues and unanticipated wear & tear. A material warranty will typically guarantee 10 to 12 years without the modules failing.
The performance warranty will ensure 90% production at ten years and 80% at twenty-five years. As with most guarantees, more the period, the more it is advantageous to you. The solar inverters come with a 5 year warranty which can be increased by AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract).
Warranties, are a very confusing topic for some solar owners. However, there is nothing to worry as HomeScape provides hassle-free warranty management. We have AMC packages which cover up to the lifetime of the product. You can buy it to safeguard your whole solar system. We present the best-in-class warranty on all parts. In case of failures, you can contact us without having to run to the manufacturer.


As opposed to many other technologies generating power, solar photovoltaic systems have low maintenance and service requirements. However, proper upkeep of a solar plant is necessary to optimize energy yield and maximize the life of the system. Some of the maintenance activities include module cleaning once in 15 days (dust, bird dropping, and other debris can cause a decrease in power generation).

Maintenance activities

The other items to take care of include::
  • Checking module connection integrity
  • Checking junction/string combiner boxes
  • Inspecting mechanical integrity of mounting structures
  • Vegetation control
  • Tightening cable connections that have loosened
  • Replacing blown fuses
  • Repairing equipment damaged during module cleaning or intruders.

Maintenance activities

Homescape Remote Monitoring System:

At HomeScape, we have designed an RMS (Remote Monitoring System) called HomeScape Solar, which is IoT based, to keep a record of the performance of your solar plant. The application can be found in Android and iOS.
It helps with the following functions:

  • Notification alarm– If the plant, inverter or any component is not working properly, the HomeScape Solar app sends you a notification.
  • Various plant parameters – Solar energy generation, solar energy consumption, units fed back to the grid, savings and contribution to the environment can be viewed.
  • Plant performance– The performance of the solar system can be seen at different time scales: daily, monthly, annually or between any pair of dates.
  • String monitoring– You will be able to take a look at all the parts of the system with the help of our app.

In essence, we highlighted how the solar system installation takes place starting from setting up, installing the mounts, solar panels, wiring, inverters, batteries, connection to the grid and consumer unit. We have also discussed about the significance of solar warranties and upkeep. Many of the solar companies, including HomeScape, offer a warranty on solar panels as long as 25 years.
With this article, we conclude our ‘Personal Guide to Installing Solar at Home’ series. It is now time for you to switch to the most eco-friendly option by installing solar systems for rooftops for power generation and use!
Save your money and help the world as well. Be prepared for a world which will soon switch to solar power!

Read about previous parts of the five-part series here:
Part 1-
Part 2-
Part 3-
Part 4-

residential solar energy residential solar systems Rooftop Solar Solar Energy solar panels for house

COVID-19 Safety Practices in Installation of Residential Solar Systems

7 min read | By admin

COVID-19 has changed the process of working in industrial, institutional, government, private and all other sectors. Working remotely is the “New-Normal” since the pandemic started. With the pandemic at bay, the government of India has released the lockdown in various working sectors including the energy sector. Due to increasing time spent at home, a large number of homeowners are opting for residential rooftop solar to reduce their electricity bills and to utilize their terraces to spend time. The installation process of residential solar systems is now done with complete precaution and in a hygienic manner as recommended by various health organizations.


The Initial Stage:

For installing solar panels on the roof of your home, the first step would be to conduct a complete survey of the roof. Contactless site visits are made to conduct surveys of residential solar systems. At HomeScape, digital meters are used to measure the dimensions of the rooftop instead of measuring tapes, making it a contactless site visit.

installing solar panels on the roof

The Second Stage:

In the second stage, the residential solar system is designed remotely and the products are delivered to the site of the residential solar system installation. All the products are sanitized, safely packed and sent to the location. Till this stage, there is no physical contact and interaction with customers. HomeScape uses its own dedicated truck for delivering the items and ensures high level of safety and hygiene during transportation.

delivery of equipments

Third Stage:

After the product delivery, the engineers and technicians assigned to the installation, visit the location. All employees of HomeScape are trained to maintain social distancing and hygiene.

installing solar panels on the roof


These are some guidelines that has to be followed while installing solar panels on the roof, during the installation process.

  1. The team members have to mandatorily wear N-95 masks, throughout the installation period.
  2. The members should wear gloves and commit to all the necessary protective gears for the installation.
  3. The members should carry sanitizers and sanitize their hands frequently avoiding unnecessary interaction with the customers.
  4. The equipment used in the installation process should be sanitized regularly.
  5. All the members should go through medical tests to carry out their work.
  6. Any member who is sick should not continue his /her work installing the residential solar system. They should home quarantine for at least 14 days to ensure safety of other crew members.
  7. The crew members should avoid unnecessary conversations with other crew members.
  8. The members of the team should maintain 6ft distance from each other.
  9. The members should  bring his/her own belongings (bottles, lunchbox) if needed and avoid borrowing things from other team members.
  10. The employees should follow the basic health hygiene, as advised by the W.H.O and other Federal Health Organizations.


After installing the solar panels, the residential solar system is connected to the grid .Details of generation of energy and the import and export are monitored on HomeScape Monitoring app. The documentation process regarding the liaisoning with the DISCOMS is done completely online eliminating the fear of virus through the physical documents.

homescape monitoring app
The company encourages Work-From-Home and only the necessary team members are allowed to work offline. However, there are certain situations that require human intervention while installing solar panels on the roof. Accordingly, the engineers and technicians are trained well to take precautionary measures. The customer has no chances of getting affected by the virus. The need of the hour is to follow the guidelines laid down by the government to ensure safety and protection. With all the operations resuming gradually, it is very important that we abide to the guidelines, stay in our own bubble and help in reducing the intensity of the situation.

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