Maintenance residential solar systems

A Guide to Maintaining Home Solar Plants

5 min read | By admin

Once you have made the plunge and installed a home solar plant, the next obvious question is of maintenance. While solar power plant owners might be apprehensive about maintenance because of its complexity and size, luckily, solar panels have very little maintenance required. Part of maintaining prime functioning of your home solar plant comes in the form of a stable, cost-effective, and reliable warranty. For home solar plants, two options are available:

  1. Product or Material Warranty

This includes the physical construction of the solar panel and protects it against environmental damage, factory errors, and other such unforeseen damages. Generally, this guarantees 10-12 years but may be extended.

  1. Performance Warranty

While the previous warranty focuses solely on mechanical working, the performance warranty guarantees the efficiency of the solar panel, to make sure that your home solar plant provides an adequate supply of solar energy. It ensures 90% production at 10 years and 80% at 25 years, ensuring a long and efficient life for your solar power plant.

To make maintenance even simpler, HomeScape solar plant owners get access to a Remote Monitoring System (RMS) through the HomeScape app, allowing customers to monitor the performance of their solar plant and assess the amount of solar energy created. If solar energy production dips, the RMS will alert you and will list certain variables that may be the root cause of this low performance. As it tracks the weather conditions of the location of the residential home solar plant, it inputs this information, coupled with the corresponding solar energy production, into the Data Logger. This ensures that you can analyse the data of your solar plant to understand how it functions optimally, and why it may be producing less than desirable output of solar energy. Thus, you can monitor the progress of solar energy levels, assess the overarching health of your solar plant, and receive notifications in case of any malfunction.

Additionally, all HomeScape solar plant owners are assigned personal account managers who are professionals responsible for answering any questions about the plant, directing you through the solar plant process, as well as attending any issues that may arise and connecting you with maintenance specialists if need be. This personalised approach to maintenance provides the care that you and your home solar plant deserve, making for more efficient solar energy production and minimising time wasted.

Thus, the process of maintaining a home solar plant is easy and customisable, never taking up too much time or worry! To make caring for your solar panels simpler, HomeScape has a comprehensive maintenance package that is filled with a variety of services in varying durations, ranging from preventive measures, system checking, replacing inefficient parts, and insuring your home solar plant. To know more, click here, to be guided to HomeScape’s maintenance service guide.

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