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How to Prepare Your Rooftop Solar Panel for Winters

9 min read | By admin

Your home solar panel system can work efficiently even in cold and harsh winters. All it needs is a little adjustment and maintenance. 

As winter sets in, the days get shorter and sunshine becomes scarce. This change in season also means that it’s time to prepare your rooftop solar system for the chilled and icy weather. Though it is known today that the prevalent solar panels are built to withstand all elements of weather and don’t suffer damages due to storms, rain, and even snow. With some routine solar panel maintenance, you can expect maximum output during winter season with no unexpected failures. Here’s how you can do it:

Monitor Your Energy Consumption

Although the amount of sunlight your home solar panel system gets is reduced during winter, it is still more than enough in many regions of our country for optimum solar generation. Start conserving energy by cutting down on your home’s excess electricity usage. This may be done in many ways.

Turn off your indoor and outdoor lighting if you don’t need it, and always use energy-efficient lighting fixtures and bulbs. Cover windows and doors with insulated drapes and curtains when using heating devices indoors to reduce heat loss.

Also, check your battery discharge levels as it’s recommended to not exceed the 80% discharge level. You can aim for a 50% level with lead-acid batteries and lithium-ion batteries. For areas experiencing harsher weather, you can even consider getting a backup generator to sustain on days when energy consumption is high.

Look after the Batteries

Deep cycle batteries often accompany your solar panels that require proper upkeep. Use antifreeze distilled water to keep your batteries alive, especially if you’re not connected to the grid, i.e. if you are using off-grid solar solution.

Also, regular battery service by a professional helps you stay ahead of sudden repairs. For lead-acid solar batteries for homes, keep an eye on voltage to ensure that any irregularities get timely attention. Also, periodically check battery temperature, which should be within the recommended range for efficient electricity storage and use.

Solar experts recommend having your solar batteries installed and stored indoors. It’s important not to let harsh weather affect the performance and lifespan of your lead-acid batteries and lithium-ion batteries. When you don’t need batteries in winter, you can disconnect and store your lead-acid batteries at 100% capacity. Keep your lithium-ion battery in a well-insulated area at a 40% discharge level.

Adjust the tilt and angle 

Due to the earth’s rotation and revolution, the sun in winter is at a lower angle. As a result, your solar panels don’t receive as much sunshine as they get in summer. To make the best of what little sunlight you get every day, you can use an adjustable rack to modify the angle of solar panels and tilt them a bit to absorb maximum sunlight during this period.

If this is your first experience of dealing with a residential solar system during winters, it is recommended that you reach out to your solar installer for information on your solar panels’ angular facing during the winter months.

Keep the Solar Panels Clean

Although solar systems don’t need much cleaning effort, it pays to periodically clean your panels during winter. If your region receives snowfall during the cooler months, ensure that you clear the snow covering your panels first thing in the morning so valuable sunlight isn’t lost in melting the snow away. You might also want to clean your panels weekly or fortnightly if your region has high dust and pollution levels. 

Use a soft brush for snowy days and a soft rag/mop on other days. Be careful not to damage your panels, and don’t use abrasive cleaning tools and products. You can again contact your solar installer for a demo of how to clean your solar system on your own without any professional help.

Talk to an Expert when needed

Solar batteries for homes require very little maintenance, which can go a long way towards getting the most value from your solar investment. Your solar company in Gurgaon or Delhi NCR should be able to offer more personalized tips to ensure optimum solar maintenance and performance of your home solar panel system

The best time to have your panel looked at by your solar company is right before winter. There can be debris or hidden anomalies that your solar expert will identify and remedy during a solar inspection. To keep your solar panels and batteries in excellent condition, you should get a routine inspection done at least twice a year.

Are you looking for experienced solar power companies in Delhi, NCR, or Gurgaon to solarize your home? Save on electricity from day one with our customized, no-hassle solar solution HomeScape by Amplus Solar. Backed by 25-years of performance warranty and a smart convenient customer app for remote monitoring and management, our rooftop solar panel system is designed for excellent aesthetic appeal and more efficient electricity generation.

Reach out to schedule a consultation today.

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The Lifespan of a Solar Plant

6 min read | By admin

When you are considering investing in solar electricity for your home, wondering how long solar panels last is a question that inevitably pops up. Studies have proven solar panels can last anywhere between 25 to 30 years — or sometimes more. HomeScape offers a 25-year warranty on all solar systems. However, this does not mean that the panels on your roof will stop producing electricity after a couple of decades. It just means their energy production will decrease by what solar panel manufacturers consider optimal to meet the average Indian family’s energy needs.

Solar panels produce less electricity as they age. This process is called degradation. Solar power plant degradation rates vary depending on the brand, as well as the climate where they are installed.

On average, solar panels degrade at a rate of 1% each year, which guarantees 90% production in the first ten years and 80% by year 25 or 30. However, a study conducted by The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) shows a more accurate picture of solar panel degradation. This study found that monocrystalline panels made after the year 2000 degraded at a rate of just 0.4%. This means, if you get superior quality monocrystalline panels, the panels suffer only 0.4% degradation a year, resulting in 88% operation of their original capacity after 25 to 30 years.

Just like a car that only runs for a certain number of kilometers or a piece of equipment that starts to lose its efficiency after some years, solar panel degradation is bound to happen. There are many ways you can extend the life of your solar power plant.

Tip #1: Team Up with a Trustworthy Solar Provider

The smartest way to ensure your solar panels work long-term is to partner with a well-respected solar installer that offers solid customer service. You want to be sure that you are working with certified industry experts that are going to install your system for the long run and with the utmost care, using high-quality panels and parts. This will go a long way for keeping the production of your solar electricity for home high throughout – and even beyond – the system’s life expectancy. HomeScape by Amplus Solar offers high-quality home solar plants, customized to fit the needs of your household.  

Tip #2: Keep Your Panels Clear of Debris and Other Damaging Materials

When your home solar plant is free from leaves, dirt, pollen, dust, bird droppings and falling branches, it generates electricity at maximum efficiency. Another factor you and your solar installer should consider when you’re designing your solar energy system is choosing a proper location. Try to avoid placing the panels near things that can cause physical damage, like the trees and bushes, which may speed up degradation. HomeScape by Amplus’ Site Management Team considers all your requirements and resources to help you make the correct decision when installing a solar power plant for home.  

Tip #3: Make Sure Your Panels Are Regularly Monitored and Maintained 

Though solar electricity for home is a relatively care-free investment, periodic maintenance checks and cleaning can also help extend the lifespan of the solar panels. It is imperative that you work with products and companies that practice proper methods for cleaning and maintenance. Doing routine maintenance checks will help keep your solar system’s panel performance, meters and other parts running at maximum efficiency. HomeScape by Amplus offers On-Site Visits and Maintenance for all its residential solar plants.

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Innovations in solar energy for personal use

6 min read | By admin

Did you know that there are T-Shirts that activate in sunlight? Although they don’t have any solar-related components, just a special dye and treatment displays the design only in the sun.

Such innovations have always created a buzz and sometimes even helped the product succeed in the market. Solar energy for individual use has also witnessed multiple innovations across product categories.

Solar powered gadgets

Solar-powered calculators and watches are among the first handheld consumer devices to run on solar power. Since then, we have witnessed that almost all appliances used at home can be powered by solar. Everyday gadgets such as solar-powered power banks, security cameras, security locks, laptop keyboards, speakers, garden lights, and many more gradually started appearing in the market.

On the other hand, the use of solar energy in the residential segment has undergone a stark shift from the early days of solar cookers and solar water heaters to the present day where solar energy can be used to power an entire house.


As per India RE Navigator, residential solar currently accounts for 14% of the total rooftop solar installations in India, which is dominated by Commercial and Industrial segments. With solar for home requiring rooftop space which is not abundantly available, considering the high-rise in urban cities, it is thus necessary to innovate to address this issue. In the U.S, Tesla has come up with a solar-roof, an alternative to the traditional tiled-roofs serving a dual purpose of the roof as well as getting the benefits of solar without the need for additional space. Although this is best suited for individual homes, it addressed the concern of allocating some additional shade-free space.


Another interesting innovation is by a startup named Grouphug Solar, which has come up with a modified version of mobile chargers. Their window solar charger can just be hung on any window with incident sunlight and used to charge their mobile phones. Although it won’t power the entire house, it is a way to bring solar to people who otherwise cannot access it. In order to serve the commercial segment, they even launched custom solar panels  where they have installed quirky designs suited to the vibe of the place. One such design is what they call as the SOLARCAT. 



With Design Thinking principles encouraging the adoption of Human-Centered approach to problem-solving, the world has seen multiple innovations supported by ingenious designs. It is now the time for solar to reach every individual in one manner or the other with the help of such schools of thought. It helps people make a conscious effort to contribute positively to the environment and at the same time benefit out of it, which allows them to understand the discourse on sustainability and its power to influence their livelihoods. This ideology is based on Julian B. Rotter’s 1954 concept of Locus of Control which mentions how a high Internal Locus of Control (the belief that the action that I take as an individual affects the society) can help solve a lot of problems in the world. Solar is here to stay and only needs nudges to be adopted by the larger population.

residential solar energy residential solar systems Rooftop Solar Solar Energy solar panels for house

COVID-19 Safety Practices in Installation of Residential Solar Systems

7 min read | By admin

COVID-19 has changed the process of working in industrial, institutional, government, private and all other sectors. Working remotely is the “New-Normal” since the pandemic started. With the pandemic at bay, the government of India has released the lockdown in various working sectors including the energy sector. Due to increasing time spent at home, a large number of homeowners are opting for residential rooftop solar to reduce their electricity bills and to utilize their terraces to spend time. The installation process of residential solar systems is now done with complete precaution and in a hygienic manner as recommended by various health organizations.


The Initial Stage:

For installing solar panels on the roof of your home, the first step would be to conduct a complete survey of the roof. Contactless site visits are made to conduct surveys of residential solar systems. At HomeScape, digital meters are used to measure the dimensions of the rooftop instead of measuring tapes, making it a contactless site visit.

installing solar panels on the roof

The Second Stage:

In the second stage, the residential solar system is designed remotely and the products are delivered to the site of the residential solar system installation. All the products are sanitized, safely packed and sent to the location. Till this stage, there is no physical contact and interaction with customers. HomeScape uses its own dedicated truck for delivering the items and ensures high level of safety and hygiene during transportation.

delivery of equipments

Third Stage:

After the product delivery, the engineers and technicians assigned to the installation, visit the location. All employees of HomeScape are trained to maintain social distancing and hygiene.

installing solar panels on the roof


These are some guidelines that has to be followed while installing solar panels on the roof, during the installation process.

  1. The team members have to mandatorily wear N-95 masks, throughout the installation period.
  2. The members should wear gloves and commit to all the necessary protective gears for the installation.
  3. The members should carry sanitizers and sanitize their hands frequently avoiding unnecessary interaction with the customers.
  4. The equipment used in the installation process should be sanitized regularly.
  5. All the members should go through medical tests to carry out their work.
  6. Any member who is sick should not continue his /her work installing the residential solar system. They should home quarantine for at least 14 days to ensure safety of other crew members.
  7. The crew members should avoid unnecessary conversations with other crew members.
  8. The members of the team should maintain 6ft distance from each other.
  9. The members should  bring his/her own belongings (bottles, lunchbox) if needed and avoid borrowing things from other team members.
  10. The employees should follow the basic health hygiene, as advised by the W.H.O and other Federal Health Organizations.


After installing the solar panels, the residential solar system is connected to the grid .Details of generation of energy and the import and export are monitored on HomeScape Monitoring app. The documentation process regarding the liaisoning with the DISCOMS is done completely online eliminating the fear of virus through the physical documents.

homescape monitoring app
The company encourages Work-From-Home and only the necessary team members are allowed to work offline. However, there are certain situations that require human intervention while installing solar panels on the roof. Accordingly, the engineers and technicians are trained well to take precautionary measures. The customer has no chances of getting affected by the virus. The need of the hour is to follow the guidelines laid down by the government to ensure safety and protection. With all the operations resuming gradually, it is very important that we abide to the guidelines, stay in our own bubble and help in reducing the intensity of the situation.

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Improve Home Aesthetics using Solar Panels at Home

10 min read | By admin

Having solar panels in the house says a lot about the lifestyle of the residents. It indicates that they are not only conscious of the environment but also about their wallets. Solar panels are now one of the most aesthetical and environmentally friendly solutions for every sustainable home.  At the same time, the current climate crisis has made us realized the importance of renewable sources of energy. Solar technology has proven to be the best option both in terms of economic & commercial viability. Solar energy is an environmentally viable option, it uses naturally occurring renewable resources like sunlight, unlike conventional energy-generating resources that use coal. They are entirely self-dependent devices. It is also pocket-friendly for a household to generate solar energy and if the generation exceeds consumption, you can give back to the electrical grid (in case of a net-metered connection) and earn credits, which can be used/ redeemed in subsequent months.  Unfortunately, many people find solar panels bulky and less appealing for a house. But with the advent of technology, this is changing. The innovations in designs have brought up a range of aesthetically beautiful solar panels. This has increased the demand for these aesthetic solar plants

Here are some of the ways with which you can aesthetically improve your open spaces of your home using solar panels: – 

1. Unused roofs/ Flat roofs

Roofs play an important role in Indian households, but many times they are often left unused and unoccupied. With a growing space crunch in the city life, there is a need to utilize every part of our homes into usable spaces. Why only dry clothes on roofs when you can install solar panels and instead generate green electricity to power your home.  Terra is a conventional Homescape standard rooftop solar power system that is about 3 feet high. It can be installed over roof objects like water tanks, AC vents, etc. This way rooftop solar panels at home can make your unutilized roof space into a space of worth which is also powering your home.

For people who want more than solar, if they want to transform their open spaces into terrace gardens, sit-outs, etc.  they can go for Atrium – The Flagship Solar pergola.  Atrium is a pergola styled solar plant by HomeScape. This elegantly designed solar power system can run the entire home on green energy. With a beautiful wooden finish exterior, steel-reinforced for strength and durability, this solar pergola acts as a perfect solution for people looking to beautify their homes with solar. The structure made to last for 25 years, can also withstand harsh weather conditions.   

2. Parking Spaces/ Canopies

We often spend a hefty amount on covered parking areas or benched areas and driveways. These dormant spaces can be turned into monetizing units by adopting Aerial by HomeScape. It is an elevated canopy style rooftop solar power system that is about 9 feet high. It is a powder-coated and corrosion-resistant structure that gives it a long life. This makes our dormant spaces usable throughout the day.

3. Porches/ Outdoor seating/ Backyards

These spaces are linked to the indoor spaces nearby. In summers, these spaces can be used as active spaces to hang out throughout the day. But in areas where the sun is harsh, using them throughout is not a feasible option. In such scenarios, one opts for a Gazebo or some form of an enclosure.   These enclosures are dormant elements that add only aesthetics to your outdoors. On the contrary, the Atrium by Homescape can be an ideal option to make these enclosures both aesthetical and functional in a sustainable manner. 

You can set up space as

Dining areas –  

  • For a dining space design, a sleek table along with required chairs or stools can solve the seating requirements. Care should be taken that these furniture elements are weather and termite-proof like the Atrium Solar pergola by Homescape, as they would be semi-exposed.  
  • For making the space more usable during barbeques and family dinners, a deck with a separate zone for a barbeque or cooking purpose can give the space an appealing look. 
  • Adequate storage elements like low raised cupboards for storing kitchenware and cleaning products give more usability. 
  • For making the space more aesthetic, landscaping and, gardening can be done. The column reinforcements of the Atrium are distanced such that they give a floaty look to the design and make it aesthetically feasible to plants hanging pots and climbers all over it. This makes your home aesthetic as well as sustainable. 
  • For lighting purposes, pendant lights are an ideal option to illuminate the space during evenings. For the dining table, a chandelier can also be installed to give a proper hierarchy to the ceiling. Stairs or levels can be lined with LED strip lights to add a dynamic touch.

Recreational zone/ Leisure space –  

Many houses use their porches or outdoor areas for recreational purposes. The purpose could be for exercising or rejuvenation. 

  • For the recreational zone with a Solar Pergola, space can be designed as per the activity. Rooftop solar panels at home act as a hybrid of indoor+outdoor spaces.
  • For exercise, space can be kept with minimal furnishing and more green factors like plants. Plants on the ground & hanging pots on the pergola can give a calm feel to the space. 
  • For reading and rejuvenation, space can have more furnishings and seating spaces. Furniture needs to be such that it is comfortable to sit or lie down and read. For rejuvenation, sculptures and artworks can be an active part of the space decor.
  • Lighting plays an important role in recreational spaces, for reading spaces, downlights, and pendant lights can be used. For rejuvenation, mild shades of downlights can add a sense of calm and visibility.

Solar designs have now reached a new era where there is a balance between aesthetics and functionality. The customization of Solar energy through HomeScape has given us more options to explore and make our homes into beautiful eco-homes.

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