28 November 2019
How To Measure Electricity Savings Using Solar Calculator
As electricity prices continue to rise, and awareness about climate change increases, there is a significant number of people looking [...]
03 August 2019
Why I chose HomeScape to get Solar Rooftop for my home
In the last couple of years, India has seen tremendous growth in solar rooftop installations across the residential and commercial [...]
18 July 2019
DIY Calculation Guide for 1 kW Solar System
The size of a residential solar system is defined by its peak power. e.g. a 1 kW solar system can produce 1 kW of power per hour [...]
15 July 2019
Advantages of Residential Solar Plant
With a hike in prices of non-renewable resources of energy like crude oil, coal, and petroleum arising due to rising [...]
24 June 2019
Off-Grid vs On-Grid Solar Power System
With the increasing cost of electricity and power, a number of businesses and homeowners are shifting to the solar power [...]