
21 May 2021

An Architect’s Guide to Photovoltaics

Photovoltaics (PV) is the conversion of light into electricity using semiconducting materials that exhibit the photovoltaic effect, like a solar [...]

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07 May 2021

How Solar Panels Produce Electricity

Solar energy has transformed electricity production into a cheaper, environmentally safer, and sustainable process. Its accessibility now has allowed for [...]

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30 April 2021

Factors to Consider Before Switching to Solar Power

cheaper, sustainable and self-reliant option as compared to other energy alternatives. However, because solar panels are an investment because of [...]

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20 February 2021

Can you run a house completely on Solar Power?

An answer to the question, whether you can run a house completely on solar power is yes! Especially in a [...]

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29 January 2021

Personal Guide to install solar at home: Part 5- Rooftop Solar Panel Installation, Warranty and Maintenance

In the previous parts of our blog series, we discussed about receiving your solar proposal, documentation and the types of [...]

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25 January 2021

Personal Guide to install solar at home: Part 4- Proposal and Documentation

To educate people regarding the process of installing solar, we outlined a simple ten-step guide for the typical solar PV [...]

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20 January 2021

Personal Guide to Install Solar at Home: Part 3 – Choosing the Solar Installation Company and Site Survey

In the second instalment of our ‘Personal Guide to Installing Solar at Home’ series, we covered the topics of on-grid [...]

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13 January 2021

Personal Guide to Install Solar at Home: Part 2 – System Type and Budgeting

In the first instalment of our ‘Personal Guide to Installing Solar at Home’ series, we covered the initial steps needed [...]

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12 January 2021

Personal Guide to Install Solar at Home: Part 1 – System Type

Buying and installing a rooftop solar system needs a lot of planning and preparation. And, if you hire a solar [...]

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23 December 2020

5 Home Improvement Products that Add Value to Your Home 

Here are the 5 Home Improvement Products that Add Value to your House: Many home improvement products add value to [...]

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