Energy Conservation Solar Energy

10 Smart Energy Saving Tips For Your Home

9 min read | By admin

It’s no wonder that we would have heard of so many ways to reduce household energy usage by some simple steps like switching off the fan and lights whenever not in use or looking for the energy saver logo whenever purchasing new electronic appliances. There are many ways, ranging from small habitual changes in your routine to extensive home improvements that can considerably reduce the overall energy consumption of your home.

Top 10 Smart Energy Conserving Tips to Reduce Energy Consumption at Home

Listed below are 10 smart energy saving tips that range from the simplest to the most intensive ways:

  1. Everyday behavioral changes:

A simple step of switching off the tube lights and fans when not in use will help in energy consumption. Another important step is by trying to perform simple household tasks like washing the dishes manually instead of using the dishwasher, hanging the wet clothes to dry in the sun instead of the dryer, etc. which will limit the usage of energy-intensive appliances.  

  1. Replace your existing light bulbs with energy-efficient lights:

The recently developed compact fluorescent lights (CFL), halogen incandescent bulbs, and light-emitting diode bulbs (LEDs) use less electricity as compared to the traditional incandescent light bulbs. The average energy consumption by the CFL and LEDs is 25 – 80% less as compared to the traditional lights which makes it a much wiser choice.  

  1. Purchase a solar power system for your home:

Before implementing solar energy for a home, it is recommended to assess the potential solar energy that can be generated at your place. The amount of solar energy generated depends upon how much sunlight is received and the size of the unit. While calculating the solar panel for a home price, you can check with the local and state authorities for any incentives or solar subsidy which can be applicable for home consumption. Many companies also offer free solar panels for home use which causes zero up-front cost and only pay for the electricity generated and used by you. In case, your home can generate excess energy than required then the installer will recommend that you go for a grid-tied system, for it allows you to sell excess electricity and get credit for the same.  

  1. Go for installation of energy-efficient windows:

Energy-efficient windows are getting extremely popular these days. If you are located in colder regions then gas-filled windows with ‘Low-E’ coatings will help reduce your heating expenses considerably. Additionally, installing interior or exterior storm windows will reduce heat loss by 10 to 20%. Storm windows are highly recommended in case your region experiences harsh weather conditions.  

  1. Go for home insulation:

Home insulation plays a vital role in reducing the home utility bills by lowering the heat from your house during summers and retaining heat during the winters. The level of heat resistance also known as R-value for the insulation will solely depend upon the place where you live. The R-value for buildings located in warmer regions is much lower as compared to the R-value of the building located in colder regions.

  1. Home weatherization:

Home weatherization or sealing of the air leaks of your home can reduce the heating and cooling expenses of your home considerably. Caulk can be used to seal the air leaks between non-moving objects like windows, and door frames. For major cracks between operational windows and moving objects like doors, weather stripping can be applied.  

  1. Upgradation of an HVAC system:

The HVAX system comprises of air conditioning, heating, and ventilation of your home. Upgrading to an energy star certified appliance will reduce the overall heating bill considerably. Similarly, switching to the energy star rating central air conditioning system will be approximately 8 – 10% energy efficient as compared to the conventional modes. Upgrading the ventilation system of the HVAC system will also improve energy efficiency. This can be done by properly sealing and insulating the ducts that distribute hot and cold air throughout the home.

  1. Smart power strips:

Smart power strips or advanced power strips eliminate the issue of phantom loads which is a major source of energy wastage. They are useful by automatically shutting off the supply of power to the electronics when they are not in use.  

  1. Installation of a programmable or smart thermostat:

You can choose to install a programmable or smart thermostat to eliminate energy wastage at home without actually upgrading your HVAC system. A programmable or smart thermostat automatically turns off or reduces the heating and cooling during the time when you are away or not using it. It also indicates when to change the air filters which also improves the efficiency of heating and cooling of the system.  

  1. Reduction in the overall water heating expenses:

Water heating is the major contributor to total energy consumption at home. To reduce water heating expenses, you can simply reduce the usage of hot water or insulate the water heater and also the first six feet of hot and cold-water pipes. Alternatively, you may also turn down the thermostat on your water heater. If considering the replacement of your water heater, then you can purchase an energy-efficient water heater to reduce the overall expenses.   Energy conservation is not only necessary but also beneficial for many other reasons. It helps you save money, enhance the property value, and also protect the environment! 

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