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influenced by the Tao Te Ching.Killing them is ominous.Jiang Nan Yun s slender eyebrows frowned slightly and thought.Thinking about it, he shook his head and said, If we don t kill them, they will kill us, Master.A faint fragrance penetrated Xiao Yuesheng s nose.Yilin s mental method was passed down by him.It has the effect of cutting hair and cleansing marrow, and her body is fragrant Putting the white jade cup to his mouth and taking a sip, Xiao Yuesheng sighed and nodded with a heavy expression The famous Taishan sect is accustomed to arrogance.Her face turned red and she stared at them dissatisfied.Xiao Yuesheng waved his hand and said warmly Forget it, sister, don t be angry.The four Taoist priests want to take action, so I will accompany you.But he was angry in his heart.Suddenly, his body moved, and he disappeared in an instant, and then appeared outside the gate of Guanyun Villa.On the straight road outside the gate of Guanyun Villa, more than ten people were surrounding the two people, fighting with swords and swords clanging incessantly.They heard the noise outside and came to see what happened.Xiao Yuesheng released the two of them and said to Yilin and the others Sister, please take care of them for me first.After saying that, his figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and then appeared more than ten feet away, blocking the demon sect.People in the martial arts around him recognized this big man.He was a man from the northwest who slaughtered Wu Chenghua.He had a fierce reputation and was famous in the martial arts.It is said that this Wu Chenghua learned from Shaolin since he was a child.Damn, there s a hidden weapon down here, everyone, be careful The person from before which keto pill was actually on shark tank expired diet pills raised his head, cursed in a low voice, slowly raised his foot, endured the severe pain, moved his foot away, and picked it up from the iron nail.So what happened last night asked the thin middle aged man.Brother Sun 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